News story

Science Minister David Willetts opens Pfizer’s state-of-the-art biotech packaging facility - Strictly embargoed until 2.30pm, Friday 15 October 2010

Pfizer has injected £26.3 million into a new facility at its site in Havant. With further investment in new packaging lines and additional cold…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Pfizer has injected £26.3 million into a new facility at its site in Havant. With further investment in new packaging lines and additional cold storage facilities planned for 2011, this is a strong endorsement globally that the UK is the place to invest for high-tech, high-value activity.

As one of the world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies, this significant investment by Pfizer is further evidence of the country’s strengths in the life sciences and manufacturing and the pool of highly skilled workers that the UK can offer - and is why our pharmaceutical sector is the fourth largest in the world in terms of gross value added.

Inward investment by life sciences companies is hugely important to the UK as the Government works to rebalance and grow the UK economy. In 2009 / 10 the UK attracted 173 life sciences investment projects, generating nearly 8,500 jobs.

Science Minister David Willetts said:

“Pfizer’s commitment to the UK is a big win for our life science and manufacturing base. I’m hugely encouraged that even in these tough economic times the world’s largest research-based biopharmaceutical company has chosen the UK to make this significant investment.

“The Government is determined to ensure that the UK has one of the leading business environments in the world for the life sciences and remains a global force in this field.”

Richard Blackburn, Pfizer UK’s Managing Director said:

“Pfizer plays a crucial role in delivering life-saving medicines to clinicians and patients not just in the UK, but right across the world. This investment in the new packaging hall at Havant demonstrates our aim to ensure this state-of-the-art facility remains a centre of expertise for cold chain distribution and packaging.”

Director of UK Trade & Investment’s US network, Nick McInnes said

“This investment by a leading US company - and one of the largest inward investors in the UK - is further evidence of the UK’s strength in life science and our attractiveness as a base for US companies in Europe.”

Several factors have helped to make the UK attractive to inward investment in the life sciences industry. These include its high quality science base, strong innovation and R&D capability, a well-established IP rights system and a growing reputation for effective collaboration, both nationally and internationally between the NHS, industry and the research base.

In the face of challenges such as the tough commercial climate and increasing global competition, the Government is determined to foster a climate of innovation so the country remains the location of choice for global investors.

Notes to editors:

  1. For more information please contact Rachel Clarke, BIS Press Officer, on 18002 020 7215 5945 or email: **

  1. For more information relating to Pfizer, please contact the Pfizer Press office on 0845 300 8033 or email

  2. BIS’ online newsroom contains the latest press notices, speeches, as well as video and images for download. It also features an up to date list of BIS press office contacts. See []( for more information.

  3. **Pfizer: Working Together for a Healthier World™
    **In the UK, Pfizer has its European R&D headquarters at Sandwich, one of the company’s five main global R&D sites, and its UK business headquarters in Surrey, and is the major supplier of medicines to the NHS. To learn more about our commitments, please visit us at

  4. UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the government department that helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy. We also help overseas companies bring their high quality investment to the UK’s economy - acknowledged as Europe’s best place from which to succeed in global business. UKTI offers expertise and contacts through its extensive network of specialists in the UK, and in British embassies and other diplomatic offices around the world. We provide companies with the tools they require to be competitive on the world stage. For more information on UKTI, visit or telephone +44 (0)20 7215 8000. For latest press releases, visit the online newsroom at You can also keep in touch with developments at UKTI through, and

Notes to Editors

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Published 15 October 2010