News story

RWM at the District Councils Network Annual Conference 2020

RWM is attending the DCN Annual Conference to raise awareness, answer questions and talk about the role communities will have at the heart of GDF siting process.

District Councils Network Conference 2020

Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) is exhibiting at the 2020 District Councils Network (DCN) Annual Conference in Kenilworth from 6th to 7th February to explain its long-term mission to deliver a safe final disposal solution for our radioactive waste.

The construction and operation of a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) to safely and securely manage the UK’s higher activity radioactive waste for the long-term will be a multi-billion pound, multi-generational infrastructure project.

RWM’s aim is to find a suitable site and a community who will decide for themselves if they are willing to host a GDF.

RWM is attending the DCN Annual Conference to raise awareness, answer questions and help people find out more about the role communities have to play at the heart of the process.

Steve Reece, RWM’s Siting and Engagement Director, said:

“Constructing a GDF is long-term environmental endeavour that is the right thing to do for today’s society and for future generations. Attending DCN and spreading the word amongst councils represents an opportunity to explore how they can get involved and how hosting a GDF could be part of the long-term vision for their area”.

RWM is at the very start of the process to find a site for a GDF in the UK. Individuals or organisations will enter the process in their own time and Working Groups, which take the first steps in finding out about the process, will be announced as they are formed.

To follow the RWM team and their progress at the event visit us on Twitter; and to find out more please visit our homepage.

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Published 6 February 2020