Press release

RPC response to PAC report

The Chairman of the RPC responds to the findings of the Committee of Public Accounts report on Better Regulation.

“We welcome the report of the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts on Better Regulation, and welcome their engagement with this important agenda. We support their call for greater consideration to be given to the wider costs and benefits of regulatory change including social and environmental factors. The development and implementation of policy not only affects businesses but can often have a deeper and wider impact on society as a whole. It is therefore imperative that all government departments routinely and consistently quantify the impact of their proposed actions on all sectors of society.

We are also concerned about the lack of post implementation policy reviews coming to us for scrutiny - I fear that crucial lessons are not being learned and opportunities missed to elicit best practice for future policy-making. The RPC looks forward to seeing the large regulatory measures from the last parliament delivered to us for review, as soon as possible”, said Michael Gibbons CBE, Chair, Regulatory Policy Committee.

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Published 12 October 2016