World news story

Royal Baby celebrations in Lebanese style

The British Embassy Beirut celebrated the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s son in Lebanese style mixing British and Lebanese traditions

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Handing out 'Meghle' in celebration of the Royal Baby

Handing out 'Meghle' in celebration of the Royal Baby

To mark the birth of the new Prince of Cambridge, the British Embassy Beirut celebrated in Lebanese style. Traditional Arabic sweets ‘meghle’ made to celebrate newborn babies, were handed out to shoppers at the Beirut City Centre. Donations were also collected to help refugee children.

British Ambassador Tom Fletcher led the event and handed out sweets and Royal Baby souvenir badges to shoppers. Speaking to the media, Ambassador Fletcher said: ‘We wanted to share our joy at this moment with the Lebanese people, by mixing our traditions. We also wanted to help children in Syria born in much tougher circumstances’.

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Published 24 July 2013