News story

Research programme to tackle malnutrition

New research programme to address evidence gaps on cost effective solutions to chronic malnutrition

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The UK reinforced its commitment to improving the health of women and children today, as the International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, launched a new research programme aimed at tackling chronic malnutrition. The programme is designed to identify specific and cost effective solutions to chronic malnutrition.

The announcement came ahead of the launch of the UN’s ‘Scaling Up Nutrition Roadmap’, a new package of measures to support countries with a high burden of malnutrition.

Malnutrition continues to be a major problem across the developing world, affecting one in three children worldwide. The international response to the issue of nutrition has been widely regarded as inadequate in the past, with agencies failing to get to grip with the problem.

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said:

“The first 1000 days from conception to 2nd birthday are the most important of a child’s life. This is a vital part of our focus on mothers and children. Yet nutrition is often a neglected issue. It’s time for the world to turn grand words into actions”.

Nutrition is set to be a major focus of the UK’s efforts to improve the health of women and children in the developing world. The UK is currently reviewing all of its aid programmes and will set out its future nutrition programme once the review concludes.

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Published 21 September 2010