World news story

Queen’s Birthday Party in Macedonia 2015

British Embassy hosts 2015 Queen’s Birthday Party marking UK and Macedonia partnership.

Queen's Birthday Party 2015

The strength of bilateral cooperation of UK and Macedonia is that of an honest friendship.

British Embassy in Macedonia hosted The Queen’s Birthday Party on 16 June in Skopje. Guests at the event included senior state representatives, political parties, diplomatic community in Macedonia, civil society, media, academics and education specialists, artists, British community in Macedonia, commercial partners of the Embassy and Chevening scholars from Macedonia.

Speaking at the event our Ambassador Charles Garrett said:

Почитуван Претседател на Парламентот на Република Македонија Пратеници и министри,
Почитувани претставници на политички партии, колеги дипломати, претставници на граѓанските организации, медиуми, гости и пријатели, Дами и господа, Te nderuar miq dhe mysafir,

Ми претставува огромна чест и задоволство да ви посакам добредојде на прославата на роденденот на Нејзиното Величество Кралицата.

Пристигнав во Македонија пред една година со глава полна информации од брифинзите што еден амбасадор може да посака. Мислев дека меморијата ми е полна. Но, изминативе 12 месеци беа период на интензивно дополнително образование. Иако имав многу за учење за состојбите во македонската политика, многу помило ми е што научив доста за Македонија – земјата, општеството, кулутрата. Се искачив со тетовскиот планинарски клуб на Шар Планина. Го гледав најдобриот британски фудбалски клуб Арсенал со македонските Арсенал фанови. Пробав највкусен бурек печен на дрва во Гостивар, и се изложив на влијанието што мислам се вика ајваризација. А пред два дена за првпат играв оро на македонска свадба. Видов прилично од земјата, а се надевам ќе видам уште многу.

Diplomatic relations between the UK and Macedonia began in 1993. But our relationship goes back well beyond that. This year, for example, saw the 50th anniversary of the opening of Skopje’s Dramski Teatar built with British support after the 1963 earthquake.

Since independence, we have been staunch supporters of Macedonia. You achieved candidate status of the EU under the UK’s Presidency in 2005. And we have worked together every year since then in strengthening civil society, in defence and police reform, in the media, in public administration, in the economy. The UK is an honest friend to Macedonia, at all times, including difficult times. Honest friendship is the strongest friendship.

The UK has also been a firm supporter of NATO membership for Macedonia. I look forward to the day when Macedonia can sit with us at the NATO table. Our soldiers have worked closely with Macedonian colleagues since the early days of Macedonia’s NATO reforms. And our collaboration in ISAF in Afghanistan for 8 years developed and strengthened what is an excellent relationship of mutual respect.

Away from the diplomatic and the military, our relationship continues to thrive with new British businesses setting up here and continuing to expand, and Macedonian businesses finding new export markets in the UK.

And the British Council continues to contribute strongly to our links in the arts, education and business with its impressive work, most recently on creative industries and vocational education.

Many of you will know of the UK’s Chevening scholarship scheme. Chevening has now brought nearly two hundred Macedonians to study in the UK, and this year has doubled the number of scholarships available. Chevening alumni are dotted across Macedonian civil society, business, politics, research, and the arts. There are many here tonight. Welcome. You are part of a special bond between Macedonia and Britain.

I am immensely grateful to our sponsors this evening for providing support to this event. Many of you have been partners for several years: Johnson Matthey, Pivara Skopje, Tikves, Alkaloid, Ramstore, Endava, Move One, Pernod Ricard.

I would like to thank the Nottinghamshire Band of the Royal Engineers and the Macedonian Army Band for their outstanding music tonight.

Би сакал да им се заблагодарам на моите нови колеги во Британската амбасада за целото планирање и труд во организирањето на овој настан.

И ви благодарам на сите вам, пријатели на Британската амбасада што ни се придруживте да ја прославиме оваа прилика.

Kisha dashur t’i faliminderohem kolegeve te mij te rijn ne Ambasaden Britanike per punen e tyre te zellshme rreth planifikimit dhe organizimit te ketij eventit. Njekohesisht, Ju faliminderoj te gjithe juve miq, te Ambasades Britanike qe na u bashkangjitet te festojme kete mbremje.

Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, as is traditional at the Queen’s Birthday Party:

“The Queen”

Published 19 June 2015