World news story

Queen’s Birthday Party in Macedonia

British Embassy hosts 2014 Queen’s Birthday Party marking UK and Macedonia partnership.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Queen's Birthday Party 2014

Ambassador Charles Garrett welcomes the President of Macedonia, Dr Gjorgje Ivanov.

British Embassy in Macedonia hosted The Queen’s Birthday Party on 17 June in Skopje at Daut Pasha Hamam. Guests were welcomed by Her Majesty’s Ambassador Charles Garrett and Mrs Veronique Garrett, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs Christine Winterburn, Defence Attaché Lt Col Richard Parry and Mrs Fatime Parry.

Guests at the event included senior state representatives, political parties, diplomatic community in Macedonia, civil society, media, academics and education specialists, artists, British community in Macedonia, commercial partners of the Embassy and Chevening scholars from Macedonia.

Speaking at the event our Ambassador Charles Garrett said:

I would like to thank to everybody who came this evening and to thank the sponsors for their support in organising this event. The Queen’s Birthday Party is a traditional annual event which enables us to gather our partners and friends with whom we work throughout the year, showcasing our excellent bilateral ties. The UK and Macedonia enjoy a relationship of friendship, assistance and mutual support. British experience has been passed to Macedonia in key sectors in the country: defence and police reforms, public administration, economy, strengthening civil society and media, and our two countries work together in international fora to promote our many shared interests. The UK stands ready to continue supporting Macedonian society in the future and I hope that our ties will stay firm, friendly and honest.

The Queen’s Birthday Party is celebrated traditionally in June in the UK and by diplomatic posts of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office throughout the world.

Speech by Ambassador Charles Garrett at The Queen’s Birthday Party 2014

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Published 18 June 2014