Promoting economic growth and new jobs
The Prime Minister has said that over the next weeks and months the government will be focused on promoting enterprise and creating the new jobs that Britain needs

In a podcast recorded today, the PM said that the cuts announced in this week’s Spending Review had been done in a way that was fair and encouraged growth and new jobs.
The PM said the cuts would be difficult and would affect many people but were the right thing to do - “right by our economy, right for our country”.
He stressed that the cuts were fair with the “broadest shoulders bearing the greater burden” and paying more as a percentage of their income.
The Spending Review has been designed to boost enterprise, growth and jobs by investing in a number of areas such as infrastructure, skills, science and new green industries.
The PM said:
Across a whole range of areas - from skills to our infrastructure, innovation to trade, competition policy to bank lending - you’re going to see the most pro-business, pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda ever unleashed by a government.
The PM said businesses were already responding seeing Britain as “back on track and back open for business”.
We’re going to make the next decade the most entrepreneurial in Britain’s history, and transform the future of our country.
I know the road ahead will be hard. But we have a plan. We are seeing it through. And believe me, the destination will be worth it. A Britain with a strong, positive and confident future.
Speeches and transcripts: PM’s podcast on the Spending Review