Press release

North Wales Pipe Works Welcomed by Welsh Secretary

Secretary of State for Wales, Cheryl Gillan has today welcomed the announcement that approval has been given to replace a vital pipeline which…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Secretary of State for Wales, Cheryl Gillan has today welcomed the announcement that approval has been given to replace a vital pipeline which provides energy security to thousands of households in North Wales.

Energy Minister, Charles Hendry has today approved the plans for Wales and West Utilities to construct a 22 kilometre gas pipeline from Llanwrin in Powys to Dolgellau in Gwynedd.

The pipeline will replace an existing pipeline which has reached the end of its life. 

Mrs Gillan said:

“It is imperative that we continue to invest in our energy infrastructure, and today’s announcement will ensure that thousands of people in North Wales will continue to benefit from a safe and secure supply of gas for years to come.

“I am also heartened to hear that Snowdonia National Park Authority, Environment Agency Wales and the Countryside Council for Wales have been fully consulted throughout. Cadair Idris Special Area of Conservation and the Snowdonia National Park are areas of outstanding natural beauty, and I am pleased to hear that their integrity is to be preserved.” 

The new buried steel pipeline will roughly follow the route of the existing pipeline, with a major deviation at Corris approximately 11kms (7 miles) to the north of Llanwrin.  

Notes for editors

  • The pipeline will serve the administrative areas of Gwynedd and Powys. 2009 data shows that Gwynedd had 28,600 domestic consumers and Powys had 26,800. The population for Gwynedd was estimated at 119,000 in 2009 and for Powys 131,000 in 2010       
  • Wales and West Utilities anticipates that the pipe-line will be completed and commissioned ready to be operated in October 2012

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Published 13 February 2012