Press release

North Korea Intermediate-range ballistic missile launch: Minister for Asia statement

Minister for Asia statement on the launch of an Intermediate-range ballistic missile on 3 October by North Korea.

This was published under the 2022 Truss Conservative government

Lord Zac Goldsmith, Minister for Asia said:

The UK condemns North Korea’s launch of an Intermediate-range ballistic missile on 3 October and calls on the regime to immediately stop all activity that violates UN Security Council Resolutions.

This is the first ballistic missile since 2017 that has been launched over Japan and demonstrates North Korea’s reckless actions. The UK stands alongside our allies and partners as we confront the growing threat North Korea poses to regional and international security.  Once again North Korea shows no regard for its international obligations.

We urge the DPRK regime to put the well-being of its own people ahead of the illegal pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.

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Published 4 October 2022