News story

New Construction Minister Mark Prisk meets Construction IGT

The Minister has already met the Steering Group of the Low Carbon Construction Review Innovation and Growth Team (IGT), an industry-led body…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Minister has already met the Steering Group of the Low Carbon Construction Review Innovation and Growth Team (IGT), an industry-led body set up to review the construction industry. The aim of the body is to ensure the sector is ‘fit for purpose’ for delivering a low carbon future.

The Construction Minister said: “My portfolio offers me a fantastic opportunity to support an industry that provides a significant amount of the nation’s GDP.

“The Low Carbon Construction IGT will play a key part in the Prime Minister’s pledge to make this ‘the greenest government ever’ and I look forward to seeing it’s conclusions on tackling the challenges of a low carbon agenda.”

Chief Construction Adviser, Paul Morrell, said:

“I welcome the Minister’s wholehearted support for the Low Carbon Construction IGT and look forward to working with him on the many challenges and opportunities that the industry faces. It can only help that he has shadowed the role for some time, and already has a good understanding of the construction industry.”

Notes to editors:

  1. The UK construction industry consists of over 300 000 firms employing over 3 million people in a multitude of roles. The sector is defined as one which embraces the construction materials and products; suppliers and producers; building services manufacturers, providers and installers; contractors, sub-contractors, professionals, advisors and construction clients and those organisations that are relevant to the design, build, operation and refurbishment of buildings.

  2. In November 2009 it was announced that the UK construction sector contributed 8.8% of the nations GVA (Gross Value Added) in 2008. UK designers, civil engineers, contractors, component & product manufacturers have a worldwide reputation for working overseas, providing high-tech solutions to environmental, transport & building projects. (Statistics on the sector are available from the Construction Statistics and Economics pages.)

  3. Paul Morrell OBE was appointed to the role of Government Chief Construction Adviser in December 2009. Previously senior partner of construction consultants Davis Langdon, and also former deputy chair of CABE, Paul Morrell brings extensive experience across both the public and private sectors to this broad role. The Low Carbon Construction IGT Emerging Findings report was published 17 March 2010 and can be found here:

Notes to Editors

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Published 25 May 2010