News story

New Chair appointed for One North East

Paul will start working as Chair designate from 14th June to ensure continuity during the changeover period. He will formally take over from…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Paul will start working as Chair designate from 14th June to ensure continuity during the changeover period. He will formally take over from the current Chair, Margaret Fay, on 16th August and the appointment will run until 13th December 2012.

Dr Cable said:
“I am delighted to appoint Paul Callaghan as the new Chair of One North East.

“Paul’s impressive experience and business acumen will make an important contribution to economic development in the North East. The future of RDAs is currently being reviewed but I believe that the North East of England is one region where business support through a regional agency is both necessary and appreciated.”

Minister for Regional and Local Economic Development, Mark Prisk said:

“Paul’s extensive knowledge of business across a range of sectors means he is well placed to guide ONE in targeting support where it will deliver the greatest benefits to the North East’s economy.

“Difficult times require strong leadership and I am confident that Paul will bring this to his new role at ONE.”

The outgoing Chair of ONE, Margaret Fay said:
“Paul is an excellent appointment for One North East and the region. He is an outstanding businessman with great credibility amongst the business community as well as a deep understanding of regional economic development in his current role as deputy chairman of One North East.”

Notes to Editors

  1. Paul Callaghan will receive £81,718 per year for a time commitment of 3 days per week.

  2. The appointment was made following open competition in accordance with the requirements set down in the Commissioner for Public Appointments Code of Practice. All appointments are made on merit and political affiliation plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity (if any declared) to be made public.

  3. Paul Callaghan has declared that he is a member of the Labour Party and has made donations to the Party.

  4. Regional Development Agencies are non-departmental public bodies led by a Chair and have a Board of fifteen members representing business, local government, higher and further education, the voluntary sector and trade unions.

**Paul Callaghan is Chairman of Leighton, the North East based technology, software, media and communications group that he founded. The Leighton Group comprises six companies that are UK leaders in their respective markets.

Ernst and Young voted Paul the ‘Northern E-business Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2000 and in 2005 he was voted the ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ in the Portfolio Awards.

He is a founder director of the Entrepreneurs Forum, Chairman of RTC North and formerly Chairman of Business Link North East. He is currently Deputy Chairman of One North East and a member of the North East Science and Industry Council.

In 2009 Paul was commissioned as Deputy Lieutenant of Tyne and Wear. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the Institute of Administrative Management. He is on the Board of the Sunderland Athletic FC Foundation Charity and is Chairman of Live Theatre in Newcastle.

He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the University of Sunderland in recognition of his contribution to the business and academic life of the region and is now Chairman of the University’s Board of Governors. Paul is Co-sponsor and Chairman of Red House Academy, a new city academy in Sunderland.

Born in Sunderland, Paul trained as an economist and has a first class degree in Economics from the LSE, a Masters degree in Management and Education from Newcastle University and a further Masters degree in Finance and Economics from the University of Salford.

Notes to Editors

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Published 3 June 2010