News story

New approach to community activism

Baroness Newlove publishes her report on tackling neighbourhood crime.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

A radical new approach to community activism that will see people reclaiming their streets, tackling local issues and improving their environment was set out in today.

The government’s champion for active safer communities, Baroness Helen Newlove, has detailed what residents, businesses, local agencies and central government can do to begin a generational shift in the country’s approach to activism and tackling neighbourhood crime.

The report, ‘Our vision for safe and active communities,’ calls for a change of culture so neighbourhoods no longer see crime, antisocial behaviour (ASB) and disorder as ‘someone else’s problem’.

It also says that services should go beyond simply asking communities what their problems are and see them as equal partners in resolving those issues.

Recommendations include:

  • community reward – where information provided by the community leads to a conviction the community is given a reward to spend on crime prevention work
  • Bling Back – where money made from selling local drug dealers’ assets is handed back to the neighbourhood they blighted
  • letting communities set their own local speed limits
  • taking street-level crime maps to the next level so people can use them to report crime and ASB and agencies can publish details of what action was taken against offenders
  • giving the public a single point of contact through the roll out of the 101 number to report ASB
  • providing council tax rebates, or vouchers for local businesses and services, for people who take part in activism
  • asking police and crime commissioners to commit at least one per cent of their budget to grass roots community groups to use or have a say on
  • encouraging public servants to go out into communities, volunteering their time and expertise to support local groups
  • pooling agencies’ budgets, giving communities a choice in how it is spent
  • changing the ‘9 to 5’ culture of local agencies so they are there to respond when people need them most

Reclaim your street

Baroness Newlove said: ‘The difference in the quality of life between an active community that looks out for each other especially the most vulnerable and one that closes its front door and says it’s someone else’s problem, is enormous.

‘For too long now too many people have either not known how to get involved, have not been listened to when they have tried to speak out, or simply felt that it wasn’t worth it as nothing would ever change.

‘This report sets out how we can change things by empowering local communities to reclaim their streets. Everyone has a role to play, communities must begin to take more responsibility and local agencies must begin to lessen their grip on the decision making process and trust the people they serve to solve problems for themselves.

‘In the past six months I have seen good people make a fantastic difference. I know there is a big appetite out there for volunteering and making a real difference. This report is written with them, and for them and to encourage others to follow us. Together we can change the way we approach activism forever and build that happy, safe neighbourhood we all deserve to live in.’

Six months work

This report is the culmination of six months of intensive work by Baroness Newlove following her appointment in October last year as champion for active safer communities.

During that time she has visited local areas across the country, meeting with activists, police, local councils and housing associations to find out about different approaches.

She has also shared her four years experience as a successful community campaigner following the murder of her husband Garry in 2007 outside their home by a gang of youths.

Writing on her blog, Baroness Newlove has provided a helpful forum for people across the country to ask for advice and share their good work.


Transcript for Championing community activism


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Published 29 March 2011