News story

National job confidence increases in line with economic recovery

The third National Careers Service job confidence index, released today (28 March 2014), shows the nation’s job confidence is increasing.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
National Careers Service advisor providing advice

National job confidence increases in line with the economic recovery

According to research conducted by ICM, the main driver behind this increase in job confidence is the economic recovery, with 57% claiming they are more job confident as a result of improving business outlook - an increase of 15 percentage points from 42% in August and November 2013.

The overall index is based on research looking at various issues affecting someone’s confidence in finding work, analyses the state of the nation’s work and employment prospects.

In the regions and across all sectors of society, it appears that overall job confidence is increasing. The North East and West Midlands saw the biggest leaps in job confidence compared to 3 months ago.

However, when it comes to pinning down job opportunities and performing under pressure, the index reveals that job seekers may need more help.

Just over a quarter of people (28%) do not feel confident in being interviewed for a job, compared to 35% in November 2013.

Furthermore, despite a general consensus amongst those that are unemployed but seeking work, that developing a CV and gaining work experience are important steps in showing ability to future employers, the index showed only a third of all respondents have actually taken steps to update their CV and less than 1 in 10 (7%) have applied for work experience.

Skills and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock said: “It is testament to our long term economic plan that people are becoming more confident in the jobs market. Every job means more economic security for families.

“To support this growing feeling and as the recovery continues, people can be assured that the National Careers Service provides advice to all ages and at all stages of their working lives. I would urge anyone who needs help with their job search gets in touch with them today.”

Key headlines from the index:

  • 4 out of 5 people (79%) became more job confident or maintained the same confidence levels in their job and ability to find work since November 2013 when the last index results were available - an increase of 3%
  • a third of people attributed their increase in job confidence down to more opportunities being available, (34%) and having the right skills/qualifications (32%)
  • 7 in 10 of all respondents agreed that they have the right experience to find work, an increase of 8% since August 2013
  • an increase in confidence around writing an application letter/form, (up 7% from 63% since the first index in August 2013), and developing a CV, (up 6% from 61% since the first Index in August)

For further information, visit the National Careers Service website.

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Published 28 March 2014