Press release

Minister for Europe statement on Bulgaria-Macedonia Friendship Treaty

Sir Alan Duncan welcomed the signing of the new treaty by Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Borissov and Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zaev in Skopje, Macedonia.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

The Minister for Europe, Sir Alan Duncan, said:

On recent visits to Bulgaria and Macedonia I saw a strong commitment to improving relations between the 2 countries. I welcome the signing of the Bulgaria-Macedonia Friendship Treaty as a step in the right direction. Good neighbourly relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia are crucial to securing the stability of the region.

The UK fully supports the new Government in Macedonia as it introduces much-needed domestic reforms, and resets and improves its relationship with its neighbours. The UK and Bulgaria also share a deep friendship and we look forward to its Presidency of the European Council in 2018.

I hope that both Parliaments will now ratify the Friendship Treaty, to make the most of this opportunity for progress.

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Published 1 August 2017