Press release

Minister for Africa welcomes new EU sanctions against South Sudan

New European Union sanctions against 3 South Sudanese former and current officials announced today.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

New European Union sanctions have been announced today (Friday 2 February), targeting 3 South Sudanese former and current officials responsible for serious human rights violations and obstructions of the political process.

Paul Malong, Malek Reuben Riak and Michael Makuei Leuth will now be subject to sanctions by all EU member states, effective immediately.

This action comes ahead of the start of new peace talks hosted by Ethiopia in Addis Ababa on Monday 5 February. These talks aim to restart the peace process following the repeated breaches of the cessation of hostilities agreed between South Sudanese government and opposition forces in December 2017.

Minister for Africa Harriett Baldwin said:

It is more vital than ever that those undermining the peace process recognise the price of their actions. The UK has played a leading role in pushing for these sanctions at an EU level and it is right that we are taking tough action against those who continue to act against the interests of the South Sudanese people.

We remain committed to supporting the peace process and urge South Sudan’s leaders to participate in good faith to agree a political solution and end the suffering of their people.

Conflict has devastated South Sudan, causing a humanitarian, political and economic crisis. Over 1 and a half million people are on the brink of famine – twice as many as the same time last year. Over 4 million people, a third of South Sudan’s population, have fled their homes causing Africa’s largest refugee crisis.

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Published 2 February 2018