News story

Minister appoints Competition Appeal Tribunal members

The new members are: Margot Daly; Joanne Stuart; Timothy Cowen; Brian Landers; Dr Clive Elphick; Stephen Harrison; Bill Allan; Jonathan May;…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The new members are: Margot Daly; Joanne Stuart; Timothy Cowen; Brian Landers; Dr Clive Elphick; Stephen Harrison; Bill Allan; Jonathan May; Clare Potter; Professor Stephen Wilks; Professor Gavin Reid; Professor John Beath; Professor Colin Mayer; and Dermot Glynn.

Consumer Minister Edward Davey said:

“The members I am appointing today represent a range of expertise, gained at the highest levels of business, academia, the law and other fields. They will help ensure the continued authority and effectiveness of the Tribunal.”

Cases are heard before a Tribunal consisting of three members: either the President or a member of the panel of chairmen, who are judicial appointments, and two ordinary members.

The ordinary members are selected for their expertise in law, business, accountancy, economics and other related fields.

Notes to editors:

  1. The new members have all been appointed for four years automatically renewable for a further four years, and will be paid according to the amount of time that they spend working for the Tribunal, based on a daily rate of £350. The appointments carry no right of pension, gratuity or allowance on its termination. The appointments will commence on 4 January 2011.

  1. All appointments are made on merit, and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity to be made public. None of the new members are politically active.

  2. Although these appointments do not come within the remit of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA), they have been made following OCPA best practice.

  3. The CAT is a specialist judicial body with cross-disciplinary expertise in law, economics, business and accountancy. Under United Kingdom law, the function of the CAT is to hear and decide appeals and other applications or claims involving competition or economic regulatory issues. The CAT itself has no staff. Providing support staff for the CAT is one of the functions of the Competition Service. The CS has 14 full time equivalents. It is headed by the Registrar, appointed by BIS. The CAT itself consists of a President, appointed by the Lord Chancellor, a panel of chairmen, also appointed by the Lord Chancellor and a panel of “lay” Members. There are currently 17 whose terms will end on 31 March 2011. **

About the new members:

  1. Margot Daly has extensive experience in digital media, distribution, digital rights management, intellectual property and copyright with a heavy emphasis on new technology. She has held senior management positions in both FTSE and privately held companies. She was President of the European Digital Media Association and has roots in international business and youth development. She was formerly President of AIESEC U.S., is an affiliate member of Institute of Legal Executives and is a qualified CEDR Dispute Resolution Mediator.

  1. Joanne Stuart is a director of Attrus Limited, which provides IT consultancy services and serves on the board of the Northern Ireland Science Park. In May 2008, Joanne took up the role of Chairman of the Institute of Directors, Northern Ireland Division for a term of three years. She was appointed the Independent Chair of the Northern Ireland Review of Variable Fees and Student Finance Arrangements in January 2009, which first reported in March 2010. Joanne holds a number of other voluntary roles.

  1. Timothy Cowen is currently pursuing a portfolio of interests and is CEO of T.R.W.Cowen Limited, and is a consultant with the international law firm of Sidley Austin LLP. He is Director General of the Open Computing Alliance, a fellow of the think tank “Res Publica”, and a Visiting Professor at the City of London Law School. From 2001-2009 Tim served as General Counsel and a board member for BT’s international businesses. He was BT’s Chief Counsel, competition law and public policy from 1997-2001 and before that was BT’s Head of European law. He trained with city law firm Lovell White Durrant. He is a Barrister, called in July 1985, and has an MA in Law from Cambridge University.

  1. Brian Landers has served on the boards of various companies in the UK and overseas including Habitat, Waterstone’s and Penguin Books and was Finance Director of HM Prison Service. He was also Chief Internal Auditor of Sainsbury’s and Deputy Chairman of the Financial Ombudsman Service. He is currently an Audit Commissioner and Treasurer of the UK section of Amnesty International and has an MBA from London Business School

  2. Clive Elphick is a non-executive director of the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation and of the Northwest Regional Development Agency and an advisor to an economics consultancy (CEPA). His former roles include being a Managing Director at United Utilities Group plc, chairman of the CBI for the North West of England and a non-executive director of a Department of State. He is also a trustee of the Lancashire Wildlife Trust.

  3. Stephen Harrison has recently retired from PWC, having been a partner for approximately 37 years. In PWC he held numerous management roles during his career and was actively involved in advising a range of businesses, covering a variety of different industries. In particular, he has been involved in undertaking due diligence assignments for some major acquisitions involving global businesses.

  4. Bill Allan is a solicitor who was a partner of Linklaters for 28 years until April 2010, during which time he specialised in EU and UK competition law. He has also taught competition law as an Affiliated Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Cambridge University for the past six years.

  5. Jonathan May has been closely involved in the development of competition and regulatory policy and its practical delivery over the last 20 years, working in the Treasury, DTI and, since 2001, the OFT. As a Board member since 2006, Jonathan was responsible for delivery and policy on most competition and consumer issues. He retired in August.

  6. Clare Potter was Chief Legal Adviser to the Competition Commission from 2004 until May 2010. Prior to joining the Commission she practised as a competition partner in a City firm where she specialised in energy and telecoms regulation.

  7. **Stephen Wilks **is Professor of Politics at the University of Exeter where he also served for four years as Deputy Vice Chancellor. During 2001-05 he was a Member of the Economic and Social Research Council and chaired its Research Strategy Board. He has written extensively on the politics, administration and enforcement of UK and European competition policy and is currently writing a book about the political power of business. From 2001 to 2009 he was a Member of the UK Competition Commission and served on twelve merger inquiries.

  8. Gavin C Reid is Professor of Economics in the School of Economics & Finance at the University of St Andrews, and Founder/Director of the Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm (CRIEFF), which specializes in industrial organization, corporate finance, intellectual property, entrepreneurship, innovation etc. He has held visiting professorships in the USA, Canada, and France, and has acted as External Examiner for the Universities of Cambridge, Durham and University College Cork. The author of several books on industrial organization, entrepreneurship and venture capital, and of many academic articles, he is currently Adviser to the Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, Cambridge University.

  9. John Beath is Secretary-General of the Royal Economic Society and an emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of St. Andrews. His professional training was at Queen’s College Dundee, the University of London and the University of Pennsylvania and he has held academic posts at Cambridge, Bristol and St. Andrews. He is an applied micro-economist with interests in the economics of industry and in public finance. Previous public appointments have included membership of the Review Body on Doctors and Dentists Pay and chairmanship of the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland. He is currently a member of the Council of ESRC and also a member of the Prison Service Pay Review Body.

  10. Colin Mayer is the Peter Moores Dean of the Said Business School at the University of Oxford. He is a Professor of Finance in the Said Business School and a Professorial Fellow of St Edmund Hall Oxford. He has published widely on corporate accounting, finance, governance, regulation and taxation.

  11. Dermot Glynn, Chairman of Europe Economics, read PPE at Balliol. He taught economics and business studies and was a research consultant to the Department of Applied Economics at Cambridge. He then became Economic Director of the CBI, Chief Economist at KPMG, and UK managing director of NERA before founding the economics consultancy Europe Economics in 1998

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Notes to Editors

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Published 7 January 2011