News story

Mansion House scholarship programme winner

UKTI selected Sam Peter as the South African scholar to participate in the Mansion House scholarship programme.

Sam Peter with the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Fiona Woolf, at the City Banquet at Mansion House

Sam Peter with the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Fiona Woolf, at the City Banquet at Mansion House

Sam has worked in consultancy and has experience in investment banking in South Africa. He hopes to eventually build an Africa and emerging market private-equity fund and sees an MBA as a step in that direction.

About the programme

The programme attracts the brightest and best from the financial services sector in countries with strong links to the UK. Scholars are also selected from:

  • countries where the Lord Mayor of London has visited
  • those who have been accepted to study at a British University
  • those who have attended a short attachment or business training course in the City of London

Lord Mayor’s visit

The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Fiona Woolf, visited South Africa in September. She was accompanied by Baroness Scotland, the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy for South Africa and a multi-faceted business delegation.

The main theme for the visit was about UK support for delivery of South Africa’s National Development plan - an integrated plan to deliver a modern South Africa. The focus was particularly about engagement on energy and infrastructure development. Read more about the visit.

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Published 1 December 2014