Press release

Management school links will help drive forward a new generation to create economic prosperity in Wales

Secretary of State for Wales Cheryl Gillan was back in Llandaff where she was born and brought up today (Friday 8th February 2011), but this…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Secretary of State for Wales Cheryl Gillan was back in Llandaff where she was born and brought up today (Friday 8th February 2011), but this time on official business - to open the new School of Management building at University of Wales Institute, Cardiff’ (UWIC)

Mrs Gillan addressed an audience of business leaders and academics and emphasised the strong links that exist between education and business at UWIC, as well as economic investment, enterprise and growth, before unveiling a plaque to mark the opening of the new building at the Llandaff campus.

The new facility is sponsored by businesses such as Admiral, Paramount, Deloitte, ACCA, John Lewis and BT, as well as local organisations such as Vale Healthcare, Cardiff Devils and Cardiff Credit Union. They will also be providing guest lecturers and quality work placements for students at the School of Management.

Mrs Gillan said: “By working together, I am sure that this new School of Management and its business partners will help drive forward a new generation to create economic prosperity in Wales. The range of companies and local organisations that have worked with UWIC to create this new School of Management facility is impressive and diverse and shows how well placed UWIC is to provide education in the 21st century.

“These partnerships will broaden the study and work experience opportunities for management students here in Cardiff and will help develop the next generation who will create economic prosperity in Wales.”

The Welsh Secretary added: “UWIC has already enjoyed strong links with the local business community for more than 15 years, working closely alongside more than 6,000 organisations across Wales, and helping to develop more than 500 products from conception to market-launch. This is excellent cooperative working between business and education and I know these new facilities will continue to build on these links.

“From sponsorship of teaching rooms and lecture theatres to providing guest speakers and work placements, UWIC’s big business partners, such as Paramount, Admiral, Deloitte and BT, as well as local partners such as Vale Healthcare, and Cardiff Credit Union, are playing their part to ensure students here in Cardiff are well-placed to become the entrepreneurs, business leaders, and managers of the future.

The UWIC School of Management building will provide facilities for 160 staff and 2000 students over four floors. This includes two large lecture theatres with audio visual systems, three Harvard-style lecture theatres, breakout spaces, a range of formal and informal learning and teaching areas, IT suites, a cafe with garden terrace, a professionally-equipped training kitchen, restaurant and bar and cutting-edge research and enterprise facilities.

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Published 8 April 2011