News story

Libya rape allegations 'horrifying'

International violence against women champion Lynne Featherstone supports investigation into suggestion of rape being used as weapon of war.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Reports have emerged that the Qadafi regime may be using rape as part of a campaign to repress the Libyan people.

Speaking in her role as the government’s international violence against women champion, Lynne Featherstone, said: ‘I am deeply horrified to hear that, as stated by ICC Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo, there is information suggesting that Colonel Qadhafi is instructing his forces to rape Libyan women as part of his wider campaign of repression of Libyan people. 

Depravity of regime

‘The use of rape and other forms of sexual violence as a weapon of war, if confirmed, further illustrates the depravity of the Qadhafi regime.  We fully support the ICC’s continuing investigations into these allegations and are determined that those responsible are held accountable. 
‘The UK is working hard, through our National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security to reduce violence against women internationally and ensure that women are empowered to play a full and active role in conflict resolution. 
‘In Libya, we are working closely with the National Transitional Council, including towards ensuring that women play their full part in any future Libyan government.’

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Published 10 June 2011