World news story

UKIERI-AICTE Leadership and Management Development Programme

Trainers from Dudley College, UK to train senior administrators and teachers from polytechnics and state technical departments in Chennai.

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This week at a workshop at the National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR) in Chennai, trainers from Dudley College, UK will train senior administrators and teachers from polytechnics and state technical departments in ‘improving institutional performance’. The workshop, from 2-4 June, is part of a national project supported by the Government of India targeting 250 Principals, Directors and institutional heads who are involved in administering technical training across India.

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and UK-India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) Leadership and Management Development Programme is designed and delivered by Dudley College, UK. The programme developed in the Indian context works with high-performing heads in India and the UK to identify specific requirements for developing leadership capacities of individuals that would help in effective management of Further Education (FE) institutions. The FE Leadership Development Programme is focusing towards building and implementing a strategic plan to transform leadership and management in Indian FE institutions.

Trainees are typically 40-45 yrs old with at least 10-15 yrs of experience in teaching/administration in AICTE-approved technical institutions. The first workshop (in April 2014) focused on leadership styles, effective communication, people management and personal leadership. The second workshop (in June, this week) focused on improving institutional performance and dwelt on quality assurance, effective curriculum, identifying and leading change projects and academic performance. NITTTR Chennai is one of two venues for training in India, the other being NITTTR in Chandigarh.

The third element of the project involves a visit to the UK and offers trainees a chance to work shadow FE leaders in the UK, including in Dudley College. The fourth (December 2014) and fifth (March 2015) elements of the project, involve trainees delivering change in India through curriculum planning, partnership with other institutions and engaging with employers.

The National Skill Development Corporation India (NSDC) and UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) have a MoU to strengthen and establish new Sector Skills Council Performance measures. Out of 28 Sector Skill Councils (SSC) approved by NSDC Board some have visited UK and 6 Indian SSCs have also signed MoUs with UK counterparts; a number of UK skills providers have also entered into formal agreements and delivery in India:

  • Healthcare Sector Skill Council, India with Skills for Health (SfH), UK
  • Security Knowledge and Skill Development Council, India with Skills for Security, UK
  • Agriculture Sector Skill Council of India with LANTRA, UK
  • Rubber Skill Development Centre with LANTRA, UK
  • Gems Jewellery Sector Skill Council, India with Creative & Cultural Skills (CCS), UK
  • Sectors Skills councils for logistics, India with Skills for Logistics (SFL)

UKIERI has been a pivotal programme strengthening the UK India bilateral relationship across the various sectors of education and is recognised as the flagship programme for the UK government.

Dudley College has strong international partnerships in India, China and the Middle East. The college works closely with the UK-India Skills Forum.

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Published 4 June 2014