World news story

Infrastructure solutions for Uruguay

The Ambassador hosted a breakfast for British company Mabey Bridge to present themselves to Uruguayan politicians and business partners.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Mabey Bridge presentation

Mabey Bridge presentation

Mabey Bridge is one of the leading specialist suppliers of high quality steel bridging infrastructure. The company was created in 1849 and has more than 400 employers.

Its International Division designs highly effective transport solutions in over 140 countries using modular bridges that help to maintain traffic flow in big cities, to restore routes destroyed by natural disasters, or accelerate infrastructure development.

Mabey Bridge’s regional managers and local representatives highlighted the advantages of using their bridges, including that installation has a low environmental impact and minimal interference with the flow of water where the bridge is installed.

In addition, as the bridges are removable, they can be used in a flood zone and taken away for future uses.

Local authorities, representatives from government agencies, and CEOs of international companies were among those who attended the presentation.

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Published 13 June 2013