News story

Infrastructure Commission invites submissions on critical infrastructure challenges

Call for evidence on northern connectivity, London’s transport infrastructure and energy supply will run until 8th January 2016.

Bridge at dusk

Andrew Adonis, interim Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, today launched a major new Call for Evidence, focusing on three of the UK’s most critical infrastructure challenges.

He announced the Call for Evidence during a two-day fact-finding visit to the north of England, including to Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle, accompanied by Transport for the North Chief Executive, David Brown.

During this visit, Andrew Adonis is seeing first-hand some of the most important infrastructure challenges facing the regions of the north and hold discussions with political and business leaders from the Transport for the North Partnership on how infrastructure investment can support the next wave of economic and social growth in Britain’s Northern Powerhouse.

Andrew Adonis said:

To make the north a powerhouse once again we need a new era of infrastructure investment. The National Infrastructure Commission will look broadly at long-term needs and provide impartial advice to government and Parliament.

‘I am delighted that the Call for Evidence is being launched in the north of England. We have seen great steps forward in the north’s infrastructure, including Airport City in Manchester and the new deep water port in Liverpool. This Call for Evidence will support the Commission to make the infrastructure of the north greater still.

David Brown, Chief Executive of Transport for the North, said:

TfN brings together transport authorities and business leaders across the North of England, allowing the North to speak with a single voice on big transport decisions to benefit the region as a whole.

Building on the work which has already been done to develop a northern transport strategy, we will be submitting a strong case to Lord Adonis’ commission for pan-northern, transformational investment in transport infrastructure.

We welcome the support of the National Infrastructure Commission and Government which will enable us to drive forward our ambitious agenda to transform Northern connectivity, benefiting businesses as well as individuals and driving economic growth in the region.

The Call for Evidence invites all interested parties, including industry, local and regional government, NGOs and the wider public, to make submissions on its initial three areas of focus:

  • Northern Connectivity: particularly identifying priorities for future investment in the north’s strategic transport infrastructure to improve connectivity between cities, especially east-west across the Pennines
  • London’s Transport System: particularly reviewing strategic options for future investment in large scale transport improvements – on road, rail and underground – including Crossrail 2
  • Energy: reviewing how the UK can better balance supply and demand

The Call for Evidence will allow the National Infrastructure Commission’s work on these studies to draw upon a wide evidence base and spectrum of options.

The Call for Evidence opens today and will close on 8th January 2016. The Commission has been asked to publish its report on these three areas before next year’s Budget.

Further information

  • The Call for Evidence will be available on the National Infrastructure Commission website.
  • The National Infrastructure Commission: terms of reference are available here
  • Andrew Adonis will chair the National Infrastructure Commission until a permanent chair is appointed following the passage of legislation. Andrew Adonis is a former Transport Secretary (2009 – 10), Minister of State for Transport (2008 – 09), Minister for Schools (2005 – 08), and Head of the No10 Policy Unit (2001 – 05).

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Published 13 November 2015