World news story

Human Rights Council 38: Item 9 General Debate on racism

This UK statement was delivered at the 38th session of the Human Rights Council during the discussion of the Item 9 General Debate on racism.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

The Human Rights Council takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

The British government reaffirms its commitment to the total elimination of all forms of racism. All individuals regardless of their race, ethnicity or nationality should be free to live without fear of harassment, persecution and prejudice.

The great majority of people in the UK live harmoniously together. 85% of those who responded to the Community Life Survey in 2016/17 felt that they belonged very strongly or fairly strongly to the UK. Nevertheless, we know that challenges remain within our society.

We are working to create a strong and integrated society in which hatred and prejudice are not tolerated. The government’s ambitious goal is to build strong and integrated communities where people from all backgrounds live, work, learn and socialise together, based on shared rights and responsibilities and equal opportunities. We are committed to integration. Since 2011, we have provided £9.5 million for Near Neighbours, a programme that brings different faith and ethnic groups together. It has reached over 940,000 people.

In October 2017, the UK government published the Race Disparity Audit to identify racial disparities in a range of areas including health, education and employment. This has helped the public to understand how people from different ethnic backgrounds are treated in society.

Beyond the UK, we remain deeply concerned about intolerance and discrimination based on race or ethnicity, wherever it may occur. All states must continue to tackle racism and other forms of discrimination so that all human beings enjoy equal rights and equal access to services, including education and health.

The United Kingdom remains committed to working with international partners which share our goal of a world where racism, intolerance and prejudice are never allowed to flourish and all citizens are treated equally and with respect, both by state authorities and by their fellow human beings.

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Published 2 July 2018