World news story

Human Rights and Democracy Programme in Russia invites proposals for project bids for 2015/16

We are pleased to announce that the Human Rights and Democracy Programme now invites proposals for project bids for 2015/16.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Human Rights and Democracy Programme (HRDP) is the FCO’s dedicated fund supporting human rights and democracy work overseas. The Programme aims to make a difference to people’s lives, helping to build the capacity of governments and civil society to promote and protect human rights.

2015/16 Programme

We are pleased to announce that the Human Rights and Democracy Programme now invites proposals for project bids for 2015/16. The target thematic areas for 2015/16 are:

  • Torture prevention
  • Abolition of the death penalty
  • Promotion and protection of freedom of expression
  • Upholding freedom of religion and belief
  • Promoting women’s rights
  • Business and human rights
  • Strengthening democratic processes
  • Preventing sexual violence

Concept bids are invited on all the thematic areas. But as Russia is a priority country for the thematic area “Promoting women’s rights”, we would particularly welcome bids for projects on that issue.

Selection Criteria

Projects must deliver outputs and outcomes relevant to the target areas. Projects that clearly demonstrate how they will address the target areas will improve their chance of support. Bids will also be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Value for money
  • Evidence of local demand/need
  • Project viability, including capacity of implementing organisation(s)
  • Project design, including clear, achievable objectives/outputs
  • Sustainability
  • Good risk and stakeholder management

Applicants are requested to fill in the concept bid form in English and send them electronically to the British Embassy in Moscow at indicating ‘HRD Programme Bid’ in the subject field. The deadline for submitting concept bids is 17.00 (MSK) Tuesday 25th November 2014.

Successful bidders will be invited to submit a full project proposal (please find it attached for your information). You will be notified by 10th December 2014 if you are invited to do so.

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Published 11 November 2014