News story

How to release funds from a dormant or ineffective trust fund

How community foundations can revitalise your dormant trust fund – and even continue to administer it in line with its original purposes.

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No longer current. Find out how to close a charity.

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Running a charity takes time and effort. If it becomes too much, you may decide to close your charity.

Before you do, consider if a local Community Foundation could take over your dormant or ineffective trust fund and carry on its work.

For example, if you:

  • can’t find suitable beneficiaries or spend the charity’s income
  • provide money to the same people or groups every year
  • find it hard to attract trustees
  • want to be involved in how the money is spent but don’t want the legal responsibility of being a trustee
  • want help in identifying local issues and opportunities - and which are most in need of funding

To close, merge or transfer a trust fund to a Community Foundation, contact:

Toni Shaw
UKCF Trust Transfer Associate
01256 363557
07471 689910

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Published 10 June 2015