Press release

Green Deal Home Improvement Fund reaches £50 million milestone in six weeks

An impressive response to the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund has seen more than £43million worth of vouchers issued.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

An impressive public and industry response to the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund has seen more than £43million worth of vouchers issued in the first six weeks, and well over £50m applied for.

12,200 applications have been received and 7,925 households in England and Wales have received vouchers under the scheme, which offers people money back for making energy saving improvements to their home. We expect to have reached £50m in vouchers issued within the next couple of days.

With scheme design and rates guaranteed for the first £50 million, the Department of Energy and Climate Change is today announcing changes to the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund, to ensure as many people as possible can benefit from the most effective energy saving measures while funds last.

From Friday 25th July, new applicants can receive up to £4000 for installing Solid Wall Insulation, reduced from up to £6000. Flue gas heat recovery units will be removed from the list of approved measures, effective from Tuesday 5th August. Applications received prior to changes coming into effect will be honoured at the original rates.

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Climate Change, Amber Rudd, said:

“Green Deal Home Improvement Fund vouchers have been flying out of the door. We’re delighted that so many families are already making the most of this very generous offer.

“Changes announced today ensure even more households can benefit from warmer homes using less energy. There’s up to £120 million in the pot this year, but it won’t be around forever so act now.”

From Friday 25th July, Green Deal Home Improvement Fund domestic energy customers can get:

  • up to £1000 for installing two measures from an approved list; and/or
  • up to £4000 for installing solid wall insulation; and
  • up to £100 refunded for their Green Deal Assessment

The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund also entitles those who have bought a property in the 12 months prior to application to qualify for up to an additional £500 if they carry out recommended energy efficiency improvements under the scheme. In December 2013, the government announced a £540 million three year energy efficiency package with at least £120 million available for energy efficiency schemes from April 2015.

Householders can find out more by calling the Energy Saving Advice Service (ESAS) on 0300 123 1234 or by visiting the Green Deal pages on the GOV.UK website.

Notes to editors

  1. The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund opened to applications on 9 June 2014.
  2. The scheme is available for householders (including landlords and tenants) in England and Wales. Although there are no current plans to do so, further changes to scheme design and rates may be made in future. Eligibility rules and terms and conditions apply, and DECC reserves the right to shut the scheme to new applications if necessary. For further details and to apply visit the Green Deal pages on the GOV.UK website.
  3. For solid wall insulation 67% of the costs of installation up to a maximum of £4,000 can be claimed back by the customer. For the ‘two measures’ option 100% of the costs of installation to a maximum of £1,000 may be claimed back; for home movers this maximum is £1500 for two measures or £4,500 for solid wall insulation.
  4. The original rates, which were guaranteed for the first £50 million, will be honoured in respect of any application that is made before 23.59 Thursday 24th July. Applications for flue gas heat recovery units will be accepted until Tuesday 5th August. Issue of a voucher will be subject to applications satisfying the eligibility criteria and Ts&Cs.
  5. Green Deal Home Improvement Fund data on vouchers issued will be published weekly on the GOV.UK website for a further five weeks after which time it will be incorporated into the monthly Green Deal & ECO Official Statistics release.

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Published 22 July 2014