News story

Government announces partnership with Facebook

The government has announced a partnership with Facebook as it seeks to get more for less and tackle the deficit

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The social networking site will support the Treasury’s Spending Challenge by providing a dedicated space for Facebook users to come up with ideas on how to make savings in public spending.

Speaking to Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, the PM said:

We are really excited about having Facebook involved in the Spending Challenge.

There’s enormous civic spirit in this country where people want to take control and do things in a different way. We are giving people an opportunity with Facebook and I am sure that they will take it.

The first phase of the Spending Challenge was open to people who work in the public sector, to get their professional insights and views on everything from how to cut back on wasteful spending to how to radically change the way services are provided. The response has been overwhelming with over 60,000 ideas in just two weeks.

Now the Spending Challenge is being opened up to everyone. This second phase is different to the last. We not only want your ideas, but we also want to hear what you think about the ideas that are put forward.

In addition, ministers will be getting out to hear your opinions and ideas first hand. These conversations will be shaped by the comments and suggestions made online in the Spending Challenge, so if you have an idea or you want to show your support for one of the existing ideas being put forward - don’t hesitate, let us know and help shape the tough decisions that need to be made.

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Published 9 July 2010