News story

Flooding in Australia - PM calls Australian Prime Minister

Prime Minister David Cameron has offered his deep sympathy on behalf of the British people for those who have died, those who have lost their homes, and all those who have been affected by the floods in Queensland.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

In a phone call to Prime Minister Julia Gillard earlier today, the PM said the UK stood ready to offer any assistance needed to help with the flooding.

Mr Cameron stressed how closely people in Britain were following developments.

The PM made clear the UK’s strong support for everything that the Australian Government was doing, and his admiration for the amazing resilience shown by the Australian people.

Yesterday, Foreign Secretary William Hague made a statement on the floods in which he also offered support and sympathy for the loss of life in Queensland.

Read more: Flooding in Australia - Foreign Secretary offers support

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Published 12 January 2011