Press release

Fish stocks boost for North East rivers (October 2016)

Environment Agency's fisheries experts have released more than 5,000 fish into North East waters.

Image shows Paul Frear putting fish into the river

Fisheries Technical Specialist Paul Frear releases the barbel

Fisheries experts have released more than 5,000 fish into North East waters as part of the Environment Agency’s ongoing plans to develop and restore rivers.

On Monday 17 October barbel were released into the River Skerne near Darlington, and at Clow Beck near Croft to help restore fish stocks and improve angling.

The Environment Agency releases fish into our waterways annually. Fisheries officers target fish stocking activity using data from national fish surveys to identify where there are problems with poor breeding and survival.

Environment Agency fisheries officer Paul Frear introduced the fish to their new homes. He said:

We’re pleased that we can provide these fish for stocking as part of our commitment to rod licence paying anglers.

Restoration and the creation of new fisheries for all people to enjoy is a very important aspect of our work.

The River Skerne above Darlington has suffered from poor water quality and habitat degradation in the past, but a concerted effort by the Environment Agency has helped to turn this watercourse around.

The fish all come from the Environment Agency’s Fish farm at Calverton, in Nottinghamshire, where around 450,000 fish are produced to stock rivers across the country each year.

Many of our industrialised rivers have improved dramatically in water quality in the last 30 years and concerted restocking has accelerated the restoration of natural fish stocks and viable fisheries.

Angling is a great way for everyone to keep healthy and enjoy the natural environment. All rod licence income is used to fund work to protect and improve fish stocks and fisheries.

The rod licence is great value for money, at just £27 for an annual licence. It’s easy to buy at the Post Office online

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Published 18 October 2016