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Find the British Embassy Lima on social media

Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and blogs; find all of the British Embassy in Lima’s news and activities online, one click at a time.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
British Embassy on social media

As we work to establish a broader and deeper relationship with Peru, social media continues to evolve into one of the most important ways to communicate online. The British Embassy in Lima is developing a strong presence across a range of outlets, making us more accessible, more open and more transparent in the way we communicate our activities.

You can find more information on our work and the British Government’s initiatives via these channels:

  • Facebook: Events, news, all things British, and links on how to study in the UK. Find also news and activities from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), the GREAT Campaign, Chevening scholarships and our partners (in English & Spanish). “Like” us at

  • Twitter: Whether you’re a British national in Peru or a follower of all things British, we’ll keep you posted. Find official information from the British Embassy in Lima and RTs from relevant British authorities and institutions (in English & Spanish). Follow us: @UKinPeru

  • Blogs: Posts written by the British Ambassador in Lima James Dauris, by staff from our Embassy, and by insightful guest bloggers (in English & Spanish). Find us at:

  • Flickr: We keep ourselves busy promoting the UK in Peru. Find photo galleries of our events, our Ambassador’s visits and activities, plus coverage of visits to Peru by British officials. See more at:

  • YouTube: Watch videos of our activities, projects, and much more on the FCO’s official YouTube channel

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Published 2 May 2013