News story

FCO welcomes end of military hostilities in Mozambique

FCO welcomes agreement signed between Government of Mozambique and RENAMO bringing about cessation of hostilities

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The UK welcomes the announcement of the agreement signed in Maputo on Sunday 24 August between the Government of Mozambique and Renamo. The UK hopes it will put an end to the violence which has caused human suffering and economic damage. We look forward to the beginning of a sustainable peace which is so important for Mozambique’s prosperity.

An FCO spokesperson said:

“The UK urges both parties to work for the timely implementation of the agreement in the interests of stability and reconciliation. There is no place for political violence. It will be important to provide particular help to the populations most affected by the conflict.

“This is particularly important in the context of the national election campaign. The people of Mozambique want peaceful, free and fair Presidential and Parliamentary elections on 15 October. We call on all actors – the authorities, political parties, civil society and the media - to play their part. The UK will continue to support efforts to ensure maximum transparency in the campaign and the elections themselves, including by contributing to the European Union Electoral Observation Mission which will arrive shortly.

“The UK will continue to deepen our relationship with a peaceful and prosperous Mozambique, including through institutional, commercial and people-to-people links.”

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Published 27 August 2014