News story

Extra £500m funding for sport

Changes to lottery share boost funding over the next five years

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Sport in the UK will be £500 million better off over the next five years, Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has revealed today.

Lottery projections from December 2011 show that total income for sport between 2012-13 and 2016-17 is expected to be £1.8 billion, up from the £1.3 billion forecast in September 2010.

The extra funding is the result of changes to the way lottery cash is distributed which were announced in 2010 and a rise in lottery ticket sales.

Mr Hunt said the increased funding would help to leave a real sporting legacy from the London 2012 Games.

“It’s fantastic news for both elite and community sport and exactly why we reformed the lottery last year,” he said. “Turning round declining participation rates in youth sport will be a tough challenge but this financial boost - combined with an inspiring summer of sport - gives us a good platform to turn things around.”

Earlier this month, Mr Hunt announced details of a £1 billion youth sport strategy to encourage young people to play sport for life.

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Published 24 January 2012