News story

Ethical standards for providers of public services: follow-up

The Committee is undertaking a follow-up review of how the Nolan Principles are being upheld by providers of outsourced public services.

image of westminster

The Committee is currently following-up its 2014 report Ethical standards for providers of public services and 2015 guidance. Many public services are now outsourced to private or voluntary sector providers. Our research with Ipsos MORI shows that the public want all providers of public services to adhere to and operate by common ethical standards, regardless of the sector. For the public “how” things are done is as important as “what” is done.

As set out in our 2016 forward plan, we seek to find out whether there have been changes in how providers uphold ethical standards since our 2014 report, and assess how providers used our guidance. We will also be looking at how government has responded to our recommendations for transparent commissioning based on ethical expectations.

As part of our research the Committee is meeting with government departments, organisations which provide public services, and other think tanks and groups interested in this topic.

The Committee’s terms of reference were amended in 2013 to encompass ‘all those involved in the delivery of public services, not solely those appointed or elected to public office.’ We outlined this commitment to follow-up our 2014/15 research in our 2016/17 forward plan.

If you are interested in contributing to this follow-up work please contact the Committee’s Secretariat:

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Published 16 March 2017