Press release

Essex coastal community benefit from seawall repairs

A seawall in Hullbridge which was damaged by the storm surge last December is being brought back up to standard.

Temporary defences at Hullbridge

Temporary defences at Hullbridge

Following the storm surge, the Environment Agency completed some interim emergency work to stabilise the wall and prevent further deterioration. Now it is starting permanent repairs.

The seawall, which is 100m west of Brandy Hole Yacht Club, provides flood protection to approximately 60 properties. Work includes replacing the steel sheet piles, reinforcing the toe of the wall and, where necessary, replacing the revetment blocks.

Once the work is complete, the footpath along the seawall will also be repaired and re-opened to provide safe access for pedestrians.

David Knagg, Operations Manager for the Environment Agency said:

We’re very pleased to be able to start the vital work which will ensure that this seawall is in a condition to protect people and property in Hullbridge for many years to come.

The work will cost in the region of £1million, with funding provided by Defra to help with the costs of repairs following the December surge.

The work is expected to be completed in early 2015.

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Published 1 October 2014