News story

Dstl Demonstrates Diversity of Research Programme to UKRI

On 24 September, Dstl hosted a visit by the Executive Committee of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), which brings together the seven Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research England. UKRI connects the best researchers and innovators with customers, users and the public and has an annual budget of £7 billion.

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After an overview by Dr Bryn Hughes, Dstl’s Technical Director, UKRI met with Dstl staff working on a diverse range of programmes, all of which have applications outside the defence and security sector. They also highlighted where Dstl, the Research Councils and Innovate UK already work together. Programmes demonstrated included advances in casualty care, forensic investigation, autonomous vehicles, quantum technologies, advanced materials, and social sciences, such as the Global Uncertainties programme.

Dr Bryn Hughes commented:

There are many synergies between Dstl and the Research Councils within UKRI. While our primary focus is defence and security technology, to deliver this we need to partner with others, especially those who support the academic community, if we are to keep up with the rapid developments in S&T. The UK is fortunate to have a strong and internationally recognised high-quality research base. Working collaboratively with organisations such as UKRI enables us to continue to build capability as well as enhancing UK prosperity.

UKRI Chief Executive, Professor Sir Mark Walport said:

The UKRI Executive Committee thoroughly enjoyed its visit to Dstl Porton Down on 24 September. From combat casualty care to the identification of Novichok in the Salisbury attack, it was a privilege to hear first-hand how innovative science and technology is helping to defend the UK and keep its people safe.

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Published 8 October 2019