Press release

Driving tests return to Cumnock

The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) is bringing practical driving tests back to Cumnock by the end of July 2011.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The driving test centre in Cumnock closed earlier this year after a new multi-purpose test centre opened in Ayr. However, as part of a national trial to provide a more local service for driving test candidates, DSA plans to resume testing in Cumnock from the former test centre on Hall Terrace.

Ayrshire is one of 7 areas across England, Scotland and Wales in which DSA intends to trial a more local approach to delivering driving tests. The trials will provide practical car tests in selected areas that do not currently have a local test centre but still have a significant demand for tests.

The aim is to provide a service for the local community and ensure that candidates are able to take their test at more convenient locations.

As well as using conventional driving test centres, in some areas tests could also be delivered from other venues such as local authority buildings, hotels or leisure centres.

Road Safety Minister Mike Penning said:

I want us to be more flexible and innovative in delivering driving tests to make sure that we are offering people the best service possible wherever they live.

Our aim is to provide a local service that is both convenient for candidates and cost effective.

The trials will be monitored to assess any impact on levels of customer service and the cost of delivery, as well as making sure the integrity of the test is maintained.

DSA will then decide whether the trials can be rolled out to other areas without a local test centre where there is a significant demand, as well as suitable test routes and venues.

The trial will only involve practical car tests; theory test centres will not be affected.

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Published 27 June 2011