World news story

DFID supports project on parliamentary reporting

DFID in partnership with USAID helps Jogorku Kenesh in improving media coverage

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
DFID supports project on parliamentary reporting

Reporting on the Kyrgyz parliament or Jogorku Kenesh demands an understanding of local politics and the complex dynamics of legislative processes. A journalist should also provide enough context to put developments into perspective. Kyrgyz journalists have had limited opportunities to learn about the Jogorku Kenesh. This is particularly true of regional journalists and makes accurate reporting difficult. The UK Department for International Development (DFID) is working with USAID to help the Jogorku Kenesh communicate more effectively with journalists and the public, and improve media coverage of the Jogurku Kenesh.

DFID/USAID have trained nearly 150 journalists, deepening journalists’ knowledge of the Jogurku Kenesh and refining their skills. The training covered Kyrgyz parliamentary procedure and legislation, ethical issues facing journalists and examples of Kyrgyz and international best practice. Particular emphasis was placed on adhering to the code of ethic for journalists, and on developing practical interviewing and reporting techniques. The participants work for internet and print media, as well as television and radio.

Mы Tolgonai Stamalieva, Head of the Parliamentary Press Service, said the training had improved journalists’ knowledge and understanding of the Jogurku Kenesh, and laid the foundation for an ongoing exchange between MPs and the media. This should make it easier for parliament to get its message across and for journalists to hold MPs accountable.

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Published 4 February 2014