News story

Consumer Focus Scotland: Appointment of Chair

Mr Sinclair’s role will commence from 25 January 2011. He will lead the organisation as the Government consults on how to reform and streamline…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Mr Sinclair’s role will commence from 25 January 2011. He will lead the organisation as the Government consults on how to reform and streamline the UK’s consumer protection bodies.

Minister for Consumer Affairs, Edward Davey said:

“I am pleased to re-appoint Douglas Sinclair. I know that Douglas will continue to make a major contribution to the representation and protection of consumers, and help ensure that a reformed system works more effectively in the public interest.”

Notes to editors:

  1. Douglas Sinclair was appointed to a second term as the Chair of Consumer Focus Scotland on 25 January 2011, having previously been appointed Chair in January 2008. Prior to that Sinclair was the Chair of the Scottish Consumer Council since May 2006. Consumer Focus Scotland was formed from a merger of Scottish Consumer Council, energywatch Scotland and Postwatch Scotland. Douglas has held posts as Chief Executive at Ross & Cromarty District Council, Central Region Council, COSLA and Fife Council. Douglas is also Deputy Chair of the Accounts Commission of Scotland.

  2. You can find out more information on Consumer Focus Scotland here:

  1. The Government has carried out a review of the landscape of consumer protection bodies to rationalise their functions and eliminate confusion and duplication, strengthen local delivery, and produce a more effective service for consumers at a lower cost to the taxpayer.

The Government will publish a consultation early next year with proposals to streamline and reform the UK’s consumer protection bodies. Most consumer enforcement will pass to local authority trading standards. For details, see BIS Press Notice and Secretary of State Vince Cable’s Statement of October 14 here:

  1. BIS’ online newsroom contains the latest press notices, speeches, as well as video and images for download. It also features an up to date list of BIS press office contacts. See []( for more information.

Notes to Editors

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Published 21 January 2011