News story

CMA appoints Senior Director for Case Decision Groups

The CMA has appointed Professor Philip Marsden as Senior Director for Case Decision Groups (CDGs).

Philip Marsden

In this role Philip will have overall responsibility for the operation of CDGs, which are the decision-makers, independent of the investigation team, on Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) cases under the Competition Act 1998.

He will be responsible for overseeing their approach to ensure it is rigorous, fair, consistent and efficient, and applying any lessons learned from previous cases. He will participate in, and sometimes chair, individual Case Decision Groups, and will also contribute to discussions about the CMA’s approach to enforcement as the UK prepares to leave the EU.

To underpin separation of decision making, his role is operationally distinct from the CMA’s enforcement directorate.

Philip sat on, and chaired, Case Decision Groups in his capacity as a CMA Inquiry Chair prior to his term on the CMA panel expiring on 31 March 2017. He draws on his extensive experience as a competition law practitioner and academic as well as his work as a CMA panel member and Inquiry Chair.

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Published 3 April 2017