News story

Clarke announces new sentences to 'restore clarity and common sense'

Ken Clarke announced a new sentencing regime that will see more mandatory life sentences for a broader range of crimes.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Under the plans, more dangerous criminals will be given life sentences for crimes other than murder. Mandatory custodial sentences will also be available for both adults and 16-17 year-olds convicted of aggravated knife and offensive weapon offences.

The announcement follows the Government’s commitment to review the Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentence, which was criticised for being confusing and difficult to understand.

Kenneth Clarke said:

The new regime will restore clarity, coherence and common sense to sentencing, rid us of the inconsistent and confusing IPP regime and give victims a clearer understanding of how long offenders will actually serve in prison’.

The new measures will be debated in the House of Commons next week and if passed, will be added to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill which is currently progressing through Parliament.

Press release: Clarke: Tough intelligent sentences

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Published 27 October 2011