News story

Chair of Data and Management Information Advisory Group announced

Dawn Ward OBE, Chief Executive and Principal of Burton and South Derbyshire College, will be Chair of new advisory group.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Dawn Ward

Dawn Ward OBE, Chief Executive and Principal of Burton and South Derbyshire College, has been appointed as Chair of the Agency’s new Data and Management Information Advisory Group.

This is a sector led group that will ensure the Agency’s data requirements remain open and transparent. The group will work closely with the sector and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) on maximising the use of information and data and also work with the Agency to ensure data and MI systems remain fit for purpose.

The group will sit alongside established sector-led groups - the Funding External Technical Advisory Group, chaired by John Callaghan, Principal of North East Worcestershire College, and the Qualifications Advisory Group, chaired by Sue Dare, Principal of Northbrook College. We will continue to work with our existing Technical User Group, MI Systems Suppliers group and the user groups which focus on particular parts of the sector.

Dawn Ward said: “I am delighted to take up the position of Chair of this Advisory Group which will be significant to the sector. I am also pleased to support the Agency’s commitment to making data and information more transparent.”

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Published 12 March 2014