World news story

Cambridge celebrates 100 years of English language exams

Cambridge English Language Assessment marks 100 years providing English language exams and certificates throughout the world.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Ambassador John Freeman welcomes guests to the celebration./ El Embajador John Freeman da la bienvenida a los invitados.

Ambassador John Freeman welcomes guests to the celebration./ El Embajador John Freeman da la bienvenida a los invitados.

To celebrate its first 100th anniversary, Cambridge English Language Assessment (CELA) hosted a reception at the residence of British Ambassador, John Freeman, on 21 May. Among the guests were representatives of the education community in Argentina, including universities, English language book publishers and associations of English language centres, as well as the headmistress of the Nelson Mandela School – the first public digital bilingual school in the province of San Luis.

In his speech, Ambassador John Freeman stressed that “The UK has a reputation for excellence in education. This is not just an important sector in itself, but also a key element in all other industries and professions”.

Each year, more than 3 million candidates sit for Cambridge exams in 130 countries. The Cambridge exams have been offered since 1937 in Argentina, including the Proficiency in English (CPE), Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) and First Certificate in English (FCE).

Ambassador John Freeman with Mike Milanovic (left) and David Good (right) from Cambridge Assessment./ El Embajador John Freeman junto a Mike Milanovic (izq.) y David Good (der.) deCambridge Assessment.

Ambassador John Freeman with Mike Milanovic (left) and David Good (right) from Cambridge Assessment.

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Published 23 May 2013