World news story

Call for fellowship applications - Macedonia

British Embassy opens a call for fellowships for individuals from Macedonia who would stay with relevant UK institutions and organisations.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Call for fellowship applications - Macedonia

Fellowships for individuals from Macedonia who would stay with relevant UK institutions and organisations.

The British Embassy Skopje offers an opportunity for enthusiastic individuals to develop skills and knowledge by working alongside peers within relevant UK institutions and organisations.

If you are a media worker, human rights or civil society activist, researcher or analyst who believes that job-shadowing in organisations or institutions in the United Kingdom would benefit and inspire your work, the Diversity Fellowship Programme may be your choice.

Your stay can be from 2–4 weeks, in an organisation or institution where you will be able to do research and on-the-job learning and development.

Areas in which you can complete a fellowship are:

  • Diversity and inclusion in society
  • Human rights, including freedom of expression, media freedoms
  • Civil society, lobbying, civic activism and policy development
  • Development and influencing public policies through civil society and media involvement

For more detailed information and how to apply check our Call for applications for fellowships (PDF, 97.9 KB, 2 pages).

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Published 8 December 2013