World news story

Cabinet meeting update

Governor Peter Beckingham chaired the 22nd meeting of the Cabinet at the House of Assembly Building on Grand Turk yesterday.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Governor Beckingham (centre) and Premier Ewing (left) led Cabinet yesterday.

Governor Beckingham (centre) and Premier Ewing (left) led Cabinet yesterday.

All Ministers were present except The Minister for Environment and Home Affairs who is out of the country on official business.

Governor Beckingham thanked Cabinet members for the very warm welcome he and his wife have received since their arrival last week. He added that he looked forward to working with Cabinet, which was one of the most important instruments of Government, and meeting each Minister individually. Responding, Premier Ewing welcomed Governor Beckingham to this his first meeting of Cabinet.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • Agreed that the location of future meetings of Cabinet would alternate between Grand Turk and Providenciales, beginning with the next meeting which will be held at the Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales on Wednesday 30 October 2013. Cabinet will also aim to hold meetings on the other islands of TCI, and will review how the new arrangements are working in the new year;

  • Received an update from the Minister for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture on matters relating to the National Stadium and noted that discussions with the TCI Foundation are continuing;

  • Received a paper from the Minister for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture setting out options to address access to education for children of compulsory school age. Cabinet confirmed its commitment to increase funding for the provision of school places subject to debate on the matter in the House of Assembly;

  • Agreed to establish a Committee to spearhead the consultation process and make recommendations to amend the National Parks Ordinance. The Committee will be led by the Director of Environment and Maritime Affairs and its membership will include officials from across Government, two members from the water sports sector and three members of the public;

  • Agreed appointments to the Board of Radio Turks and Caicos in accordance with Schedule 3 Section 1 (2) of the Radio Turks and Caicos Islands Ordinance 2012 as follows; Chairman - Cheryl Ann Foreman, Members - Tajuana Rashida Ewing, Vaughn Hinds, Jermaine Fulford and one other member;

  • Approved the appointment of Mr Trevor Cooke as a member of the National Insurance Board in accordance with Schedule 3 (Section 27) 1(b) of the National Insurance Board Ordinance;

  • Noted that Mr Peter Hayes, Director, Overseas Territories Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office will be visiting TCI 28 - 30 October 2013, and agreed he would be invited to have an exchange with Cabinet, especially about the forthcoming Joint Ministerial Council in London attended by the Premier, on 30 October before its formal meeting;

  • Noted that the Governor would raise with the FCO issues the Premier mentioned about the Economic Exclusion Zone of TCI and neighbouring countries;

  • Agreed that Eastern Standard Time (EST) will take effect in TCI on Sunday 3 November 2013.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 17 October 2013