World news story

British Embassy funds local project

Ÿeňme delivered a project aimed at increasing the legal literacy and human rights awareness of people with disabilities.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Yenme project meeting

Over the past year, the British Embassy has been working with a local NGO “Ÿenme” on a project funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Magna Carta Fund for Human Rights and Democracy. This project aimed to increase the legal literacy and human rights awareness of people with disabilities, the parents of children with special needs, young people as well as the general population of Ashgabat and Akhal provinces. It also helped to promote equal participation, accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities based on the values and provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and Rights of the child. Interesting workgroups, information meetings and training sessions were held for over 3000 people in Ahal welayat, Ak Bugday and Geokdepe districts.

To mark the successful completion of the project, “Ÿeňme” organised a roundtable meeting in Ashgabat on 14 February which included representatives from a wide range of governmental agencies, and the Municipalities of Ak-Bugdai district and Geokdepe. “Ahal Durmuşy” newspaper and local NGOs such as the Blind and Deaf Society, Support Centre for people with disabilities, Keyik-Okara and Bosfor also joined.

During the roundtable, the participants had an opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, good practices and plan how to further increase the legal literacy of people with disabilities in the future. At the project end, Yenme were happy to report that the project had made a real difference in the level of knowledge of disabled rights including a raised awareness in the wider community. Based on this successful project Ÿeňme now plan to roll out similar events to different parts of the country.

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Published 28 February 2017