News story

British Business Minister welcomes Airbus/China deal

This news is a major boost to the UK, with these contracts bringing extra work to Airbus in Broughton, and a host of aerospace supply chain …

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

This news is a major boost to the UK, with these contracts bringing extra work to Airbus in Broughton, and a host of aerospace supply chain companies throughout the UK.

The deal, which represents a welcome prelude to the Prime Minster’s high level business delegation to China next week, was signed in Paris in front of French President Sarkozy and Chinese President Hu, and in the presence of UK Business Minister, Mark Prisk.

The contracts, which form part of a package of Chinese/ French commercial announcements, contain orders for 50 A320, 42 A330 and 10 A350 aircraft.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Mark Prisk, UK Business Minister said:

“We are delighted with today’s announcement of 102 new orders from China for Airbus A320, A330 and A350 aircraft.

“This represents fantastic news for the UK aerospace sector, with these new orders worth over $5bn to the UK economy. They will not only provide a tremendous boost to the 10,000 Airbus workers at Filton and Broughton, but also to a large number of aerospace supply chain companies spread right across the UK. By any standard, this is a huge success story.”

Notes to editors:

  1. Today at 17:00 GMT (18:00 Paris time) Airbus officials signed an agreement with China Aviation Supplies Holdings in Paris. This signing ceremony was attended by representatives from all the Airbus nations, France, Spain Germany and the UK.

  2. Business Minister Mark Prisk attended the signing ceremony as a representative of the UK.

  3. BIS’ online newsroom contains the latest press notices, speeches, as well as video and images for download. It also features an up to date list of BIS press office contacts. See for more information.

Notes to Editors

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Published 4 November 2010