World news story

British band The Tiger Lillies amazed the Chilean audience

The company visited Chile as part of the activities organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Teatro a Mil Foundation.

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The Tiger Lillies: Adrian Stout, Martyn Jacques and Jonas Golland.

The Tiger Lillies: Adrian Stout, Martyn Jacques and Jonas Golland.

The British Embassy and the British Council Santiago supported two performances of ‘The Tiger Lillies perform Hamlet’, held on 12 and 13 October at the Municipal Theatre of the Borough of Las Condes, located in Santiago, Chile’s capital. The Tiger Lillies is a renowned British company that has given an innovative twist to tell Hamlet’s story.

The Embassy took advantage of the fact that The Tiger Lillies were visiting the neighbouring country of Argentina, to bring them to Chile and launch the activities being organised by the ‘Teatro a Mil Foundation’ to celebrate the 25 years of ‘Teatro a Mil’, the most important arts festival in Chile –similar to the Edinburgh Festival.

Over 1,600 people, including Chilean actors and culture-related Government officials, enjoyed the performances, which exposed them to this innovative performing arts showcase that exhibits some of the best work produced by UK artists. We hope that this visit will help in establishing a working relationship between Chilean producers and British artistic companies.

GREAT Britain Campaign

Young actresses before the performance.

Young actresses before the performance.

The Tiger Lillies visit to Chile was supported by the GREAT Campaign, which showcases the best of what the UK has to offer to inspire the world, and encourage people to visit, do business, invest and study in the UK. It is the Government’s most ambitious international promotional campaign ever, uniting the efforts of the private and public sector to generate jobs and growth for Britain.

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Published 30 October 2017