World news story

Bolivian journalists discuss their role in conflict prevention

Journalists in four Bolivian cities took part in a series of discussions about their responsibilities when reporting conflict.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Bolivian journalists discuss their role in conflict prevention

Various moments of the workshops about the role of Bolivian media in building a culture of peace.

This was part of a project funded by the British Embassy La Paz and implemented by local NGO Capacitacion y Derechos Ciudadanos. Activities consisted of a series of workshops which took place between November 2012 and February 2013 in Sucre, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and La Paz.

Experts in conflict management/prevention and senior editors and journalists discussed the role of the media in social conflict. They also shared ideas on how journalists could report in a more responsible way, not only seeing conflict as news material or concentrating on the escalation and worsening phases of it, but also emphasising solutions and the value of negotiation and dialogue.

The workshops included the screening of a documentary on the role of the media during a recent conflict in the Colquiri mine, and journalists from Colquiri were invited to share their experiences.

A 12-page supplement was published with articles and interviews on the subject and what happened during the workshops, including an interview with Ambassador Ross Denny. This material was circulated by leading newspaper Pagina Siete and is being distributed among journalists nationwide.

Another outcome was a best practice guide for journalist to use in their daily work. The guide includes a list of elements to help understand conflict, tools for conflict analysis and key principles in order to cover conflicts.

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Published 5 July 2013