News story

Better Regulation Executive Chairman welcomes report of farming regulation task force

“This is the most comprehensive review of agricultural and food regulation in recent years. I’ve been very impressed with the thorough approach…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

“This is the most comprehensive review of agricultural and food regulation in recent years. I’ve been very impressed with the thorough approach that Richard MacDonald and his team have taken. I’d positively encourage other Government Departments to carry out similarly rigorous independent reviews of existing regulation. This will complement the work that is already going on across Whitehall as part of the Red Tape Challenge, and will be key to Government delivering on its ambition to reduce the net burden of regulation on business.

“The report contains a welcome breadth of recommendations but the ‘proof of the pudding’ will be in the implementation. Defra must be bold in taking forward these recommendations and while some of the suggested changes will take time to implement, for example where they relate to European measures, the Department needs to demonstrate leadership and commitment by making as many of the changes as soon as they are able to.

“I’d also encourage all those with an interest in the food and agricultural sectors to get involved with the Red Tape Challenge. This is your chance to tell us about the rules and regulations you deal with on a daily basis and suggest improvements to reduce the burden that these rules place on you and your business. The food and drink theme is running now so don’t miss your chance go to”

Notes to editors:

  1. Richard MacDonald’s report is available here:

  2. The Better Regulation Executive (BRE) is part of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and leads the regulatory reform agenda across government.

  3. The Red Tape Challenge was launched by the Prime Minister on 7 April, giving the public a chance to have their say on the more than 21,000 regulations that affect their everyday lives.

  4. BIS’s online newsroom contains the latest press notices, speeches, as well as video and images for download. It also features an up to date list of BIS press office contacts. See []( for more information.

Notes to Editors

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Name Nick Evans Job Title

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Published 17 May 2011